Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma aromatica, has been widely used in Asiatic countries as a part of Ayurvedic medicines. Asian cultures turned to the spice to treat issues pertaining to respiration, pain, fatigue and arthritis. Fast forward to modern times, and we now use the spice for inflammation, cancer prevention and other ailments. Turmeric grows as a rhizome, which means it flourishes underground.
Its stems comprise the powerful content of capsules, teas, extracts, etc. for medicinal properties. Curcuminoids are the major active ingredient in turmeric, and it gives the spice its characteristic yellow color. The spice is generally safe for oral consumption or topical application. However, long-term use or considerable dosages may cause gastrointestinal issues.
There have been enough preliminary studies to support use of the spice for cardiovascular health, arthitis treatment and a reduction in skin irritation. If you decide to consume tumeric to benefit from its powerful bioactive ingredients, you should notify your physician. They should always be aware of any and all integrative health treatments you implement so they can provide the best healthcare.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]1. Anti-Inflammatory
Tumeric possesses high anti-inflammatory effects due to the curcumin within it. Curcumin is the primary active component of turmeric. The compound may be effective for treating arthritis as well as inflammatory bowel disease.
Oral consumption of tumeric can help alleviate rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis symptoms. According to clinical studies, turmeric reduces osteoarthritic pain and allows better mobility. The spice helps decrease the need for pain management medications to treat the condition. Turmeric can even be applied topically to alleviate inflamed skin or rashes.
Another function of curcumin is obstruction. The component can block the function and creation of enzymes involved in the body’s inflammatory response. This is important because while inflammation can be good, excessive triggering of the immune response can cause swelling, redness, pain and heat.
An antioxidant component of turmeric, curcuminoids, impede the inflammatory pathways, which prohibits the protein cascades that cause pain and swelling. Turmeric provides a great alternative for pain relief from arthritis compared to medications like Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
These non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) are known to cause gastrointestinal damage. NSAIDs likewise have the potential to negatively impact the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver. To achieve maximum absorption of the spice’s powerful curcumin component, try microemulsion techniques with egg yolks or coconut oil.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]2. Improves Brain Function
Bioactive curcumin in turmeric can easily permeate the blood-brain barrier. Scientific studies have analyzed the compound’s prospective abilities to treat neurodegenerative Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Studies revealed curcumin’s natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties allow turmeric to foster overall brain health.
Curcumin has the ability to penetrate the cell membranes and alter said membranes so as to make them more organized. Turmerone, an aromatic compound in turmeric, potentially increases nerve stem cell propagation in the brain. Stem cells in the brain eventually become neurons. Research findings demonstrated that turmeric may aid in recuperation of brain function in diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]3. Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
Heart disease, the primary killer in the United States, tends to affect women more than men. Healthy diet and supplements can help ward of cardiovascular disease to keep you in good health. Apart from emulsifying as mentioned earlier, you can take full advantage of the powerful curcumin in turmeric by adding piperine, the primary active ingredient from black pepper. Piperine helps the body absorb the curcumin more readily and increases its bioavailability in the body.
Technically speaking, cardiovascular disease is an illness of inflammation. Studies with curcumin shows it is significantly better at controlling inflammation compared to phenylbutazone, a compound in many NSAIDs. Curcumin may also decrease the likelihood of heart disease and consequent heart attacks because of its ability to modulate LDL (bad) cholesterol.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]4. Cancer
Laboratory research allowed scientists to conclude that bioactive curcumin in tumeric has anti-cancer characteristics. The ingredient not only appears to kill cancerous cells, but it can also prevent further growth of the harmful cells. Mice are a great model organism for scientific studies because they are surprisingly genetically similar to humans.
American researchers found in 2007 that curcumin was effective to stop the metastasis (spread) of breast cancer to other bodily areas in mice. Research teams have evaluated the spice’s use for bowel cancer as well. The researchers hypothesized that curcumin is absorbed in the bowel. However, there need to be more studies to evaluate the spice’s effectiveness for bowel cancers.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]5. Combat Depression
Roger McIntyre, MD from the University of Toronto states that curcumin affects many of the physiological systems involved in causing depression. Thus, turmeric may house antidepressant properties. The spice obviously possesses antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory traits. It is plausible that turmeric might treat depression because sufferers of the mental condition tend to have higher levels of inflammation and oxidative stress.
Both inflammation and oxidative stress have the ability to affect all of the bodily organs. Chronic inflammation eventually triggers lower levels of the feel-good compounds serotonin and dopamine. Curcumin might aid the restoration of these neurotransmitters to boost your mood and bring you out of depression.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]6. Endometriosis
Endometriosis impacts 2-10% of American women of childbearing age. The condition is characterized by an endometrial lining that extends outside of the uterus and affects the ovaries, bowels and fallopian tubes. Chinese studies on turmeric for endometriosis revealed that curcumin inhibits endometrial cell growth. Curcumin exhibits these effects due to its ability to reduce estradiol production.
Studies in Kolkatta, India further evaluated the mechanism by which turmeric and its curcumin component prevent endometrial cell growth. They analyzed curcumin’s effects on the metalloproteinase enzyme. Their results showed that curcumin does reduce metalloproteinase secretion and inflammation. The team concluded that curcumin in tumeric can help inhibit endometriosis effectively. For women already affected by the condition, the compound can inhibit its expression.