The Von Willebrand disease is a type of bleeding disorder that occurs when your blood does not have enough clotting protein within it or the clotting protein has become damaged in some form. This clotting protein is referred to as Von Willebrand factor. It is a type of genetic condition that can be dangerous if not managed and treated properly, which is why it’s essential that you’re aware of the many symptoms associated with the disease.
In order to identify the symptoms associated with this disease, you should first understand the various types of this condition that you could be affected by. The Von Willebrand disease is divided into type 1, type 2, type 3, and acquired VWD. The type 1 version is found in nearly 70 percent of all patients who are suffering from the condition and is characterized by mild symptoms due to the presence of VWD levels that are around 40 percent of what they should be.
The type 2 version of the Von Willebrand disease is found in around 20 percent of patients that have been diagnosed with the condition and is represented by symptoms that are moderate in severity. Type 3 is the most severe kind and is found in only 5-10 percent of all individuals who suffer from the condition. The symptoms are usually severe and occur in episodes. The acquired version of the Von Willebrand disease can occur after a person has been diagnosed with some form of an autoimmune disease like lupus or due to heart disease. If you believe that you are suffering from this disease, it’s important that you obtain treatment quickly.
1. Blood In Urine
One of the foremost symptoms associated with the Von Willebrand disease is the presence of blood in your urine. Given the fact that blood can develop in the urine for a wide range of different reasons, the symptom will likely be accompanied by others on this list, which should help you to determine whether or not the blood has been caused by VWD or some other condition. The amount of blood you spot in your urine will mainly depend on which type of VWD that you are suffering from. With the type 1 or type 2 versions of this disease, it’s possible that the blood will be difficult to spot and may even require a microscope to be seen.
If you are suffering from this disease, blood will likely continue to show up in your urine until you receive treatment for the condition, which will help you eliminate the possibility of temporary conditions having caused the bleeding. When you schedule a visit with your doctor for this symptom, a variety of tests may be administered that include a CT scan, ultrasound, and urine culture. The color of your urine can differ depending on the severity of the disease, which means that the color can range from a light pink to a deep red.
2. Easily Bruise
No matter which of the three main types of VWD that you are suffering from, easy bruising is a common symptom with all of them. This is one of the easiest symptoms to identify as it is accompanied by a red or purple discoloration that doesn’t change in color when pressing down on it. Over time, this purplish color will change to a darker black and blue color. When the bruise has started to heal, the colors will again shift to hues of light green and brown. This discoloration of the skin is typically accompanied by tenderness and slight pain when touched.
3. Excessive Bleeding
Excessive bleeding is a clear sign that you have some issue with clotting in your blood. This type of bleeding is most readily noticeable when you have cut yourself on a piece of glass or poked your gums too hard when brushing. The bleeding will be heavier than usual and will continue longer than it typically does when you’ve suffered from a small cut. It’s possible that excessive bleeding will present itself as skin lesions or other types of skin hemorrhages. This is a very dangerous symptom that needs to be treated immediately once you notice that you are affected by it.
4. Heavy or Prolonged Period
Women who are suffering from VWD may notice that their periods are heavy and prolonged, which is a sign of the excessive bleeding mentioned previously. This type of menstrual irregularity can be caused by a variety of conditions, all of which should be diagnosed soon after you notice the symptoms. A prolonged period is classified as one that subsists for longer than seven days. A heavy period is one where you need to change your tampon at least once every hour due to the bleeding being so heavy. High amounts of bleeding can cause iron deficiency, which can lead to additional health problems if not treated.
5. Mouth Bleeding
Mouth bleeding is another type of symptom that can occur due to a variety of different causes. The standard actions that cause mouth bleeding include flossing or brushing your teeth. Bleeding is common when performing such actions, which is why you should focus on whether or not the bleeding is heavier than usual. It’s also possible that blood or bruises can occur on the tongue or gums. When the mouth bleeding is at its most severe, you will notice blood oozing from your mouth. You should also look out for a rash of small red dots on the roof of your mouth or your tongue.
6. Nose Bleed
Nose bleeds are exceedingly common with this disease and occur with all three types of VWD. It’s possible to suffer from a nose bleed for any number of reasons, most of which aren’t exactly harmful to you. When you are suffering from VWD, the nose bleeds will typically occur on a frequent basis and will be accompanied by heavier amounts of bleeding, which makes it relatively easy to know that you should make an appointment with your doctor. This bleeding will also last longer than usual and may take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more to dissipate.
7. Tendency to Bleed Easily
Similar to the excessive bleeding symptom mentioned previously, a tendency to bleed easily is common when affected by VWD and can occur at any time. When you have a tendency to bleed easily, you will notice that your gums bleed even when they’ve been hardly touched or a small scrape turns into a bleeding cut that you need to keep wrapped until the bleeding stops. The best way to notice if you are affected by this symptom is to compare the situations that have caused bleeding to ones that you have suffered from in the past. If the bleeding occurs more frequently, this could be a sign that you are suffering from the Von Willebrand disease.