The genetic infrastructure of the adult human body is approximately sixty percent water. Each and every day, we use H2O to nourish our bodies with essential nutrients. Whether consumed in foods, juices, or unflavored, the average male will need to absorb about 3 liters of water while a female requires around 2.2 liters. Infants require even more because their bodies are made of approximately seventy-three percent. Fluids are needed for a child to grow and develop healthily. Variables like age, weight, height and gender factor the exact amount needed for optimal health. Your body is extremely intuitive and will often provide signs if it is not getting an adequate supply.
Your body is capable of healing through natural tactics, you just need to listen. If you are experiencing fatigue, lack of concentration, hard-to-pass stool bowel movements, your body may be crying out for help. Unfortunately, a recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that Americans were not drinking nearly enough. Overall, forty-three percent of adults admitted to drinking less than four cups per day, which is just shy of 1 liter. If you are among these statistics, review the 6 reasons to increase your intake of H2O to understand its importance.
1. Increase Energy
Feeling sluggish and can’t seem to pinpoint the issue? Put down the anti-inflammatory drug and pick up a bottled water. Dehydration can leave you feeling fatigued even when you are getting enough rest. The human brain is composed of approximately seventy-three percent water so when you are not getting enough, functionality will be lacking. The body uses fluids naturally to execute daily tasks. If the H2O is not replenished, your energy level and concentration will be difficult to maintain. If you are severely dehydrated, all of your organs are negatively affected in some way. That impact will take its toll on how you feel overall.
In dehydration, your body is trying to conserve the small amount of water that you have made available. This deficiency will shock your system and make you slow down. Not sure when your body has consumed enough? There are several indicators that let us know when we are hydrated. What color is your urine? If it is clear to very light, this is a sign that you are drinking enough. If your urine is dark, you are most likely not meeting your daily fluid requirements. To give your body a boost of energy, incorporate more fluids or eat vegetables high in water content.
2. Weight Loss
Exercising and decreasing your calorie intake are ways to help reach your weight loss goal. If you want to maximize your weight loss, reach for your water bottle. For starters, when you eat or drink anything, calories (a.k.a. energy) are used to process whatever you ingested. H2O has zero calories; therefore, consuming water will create a deficit to jumpstart your weight loss.
Sometimes hunger can be mistaken for thirst and will lead to an overage of calories. Drinking fluids before a meal will not only help you feel fuller, it will also help you assess your hunger level. If you are dehydrated, your body may actually not need to eat at all. Don’t let your body fool you. Symptoms like a gurgling stomach and light-headedness can be caused by hunger or dehydration. Drink a few glasses of water and then assess your hunger. Your waistline will thank you!
3. Improves Skin Health
Topical moisturizers and serums to improve elasticity can cost a small fortune. Why pay for expensive artificial products when your body is naturally equipped? If wrinkles and fine lines are major concerns, you will be delighted to know that drinking water can ease your worries. Water delivers essential nutrients to your skin cells and improves regeneration. Want soft, glowing, supple skin? Sufficient hydration is the first step toward achieving beautiful healthy skin. Just as the old saying goes, you truly are what you eat. In addition to an attractive outward appearance, H2O fights numerous skin diseases. Hydration can help with the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and other rash-like disorders. It flushes the body of toxins and replaces the void with healthier cells.
4. Maintains Regularity
If you are experiencing irregular bowel movements, water is an affordable and natural solution. The food that you consume must move through the intestines after nutrients have been dispersed throughout the body. The waste must then be discarded. A build-up of this waste can lead to bloating, gas, and many other uncomfortable feelings. Fluid helps with digestion and increases the flow through the intestines to get things moving. Constipation is often a sign that you are not hydrated. Drink fluids consistently to keep your intestines flexible and smooth. Your colon needs water to effectively do its job. Once you develop a habit, the odds of a difficult or uncomfortable bowel movement will decrease significantly.
5. Boosts Immune System
Supplements that promote a healthy immune system are hitting the shelves of your local supermarket all the time. Bacteria and viruses try to invade our body on a daily basis. Luckily, our bodies are equipped to handle most of these threats on our own. Water plays a major when it comes to maintaining a healthy immune system. The lymph system in the body is responsible for filtration of waste. Consuming excess water helps to flush the body of these harmful toxins. Bacteria and viruses can easily grow and spread if these germs remain in the system. The common cold and flu are often contracted when fluids are not being consumed. Areas like the bronchi are easily susceptible to bacterial infections if not well hydrated.
6. Helps Headaches
Headaches are often a result of dehydration and/or an imbalance of electrolytes. The cure for lack of water is replenishment. When you experience thirst, your body releases histamine and then inflammation occurs. This inflammation is usually what you are feeling when you have a headache. Often times, you may feel compelled to take an anti-histamine or anti-inflammatory to reduce symptoms. Why ingest unnatural substances when you really don’t need to? To prevent most headaches from occurring in the first place, drink plenty of fluids. Because water administers various health benefits, the combination of flushing toxins and rejuvenating cells will provide relief.