While it is true that everyone snores from time to time, the severity differs from one person to the other. A good number of people either snore heavily or know someone who does but only a few understand the exact cause of the snorting and rattling sound. The reasons why different people snore when they are sleeping vary widely.
Some of the triggers that increase the tendency to snore include genetics and age. However, the main reason why you may snore is because your airways are narrow, a factor that could result in airflow being obstructed. Such obstructions are accompanied by vibrations when you breathe in and out, causing the sound of snoring. A clear understanding of what causes this sound is the first step to identifying proper treatment.
There is no doubt that many people consider snoring to be a nuisance, with a good number finding the sounds bothering and irritating. Part of the reason is because the sounds can disrupt sleeping patterns.
With the serious effects that the rattling sounds of snoring can have on various aspects of your life, you will want to find effective ways of treating it. It is advisable to seek a doctor’s care to identify any underlying condition and get the professional advice you need.
As much as you may resort to seeking medical treatment, you should also familiarize yourself with some of the steps you can take to address the issue. Here are several lifestyle changes and natural solutions that can help you to ensure relief for you and the people around you.
1. Change Your Sleep Position
Changing sleep position is one of the simplest and natural steps that you can take to stop snoring. When you sleep on your back, gravity will make the base of your tongue and soft palate to exert pressure on your throat. Similarly, sleeping on your back will make the excess fatty tissue under your chin to relax. The resultant effect of these actions is that your airway will be blocked. If you want to enjoy some relief, you should consider sleeping on your side. Changing sleep position may require you to use a body pillow to keep you from rolling onto your back and help you maintain that position.
2. Lose Weight if You Are Overweight
Since thin people snore too, weight loss will only help to address snoring if you did not snore before you added weight. If you have recently gained weight, the excess weight around your neck may squeeze your throat when you sleep. This will result in your throat narrowing or collapsing when you lay down, a factor that is likely to make you snore.
Creating a weight loss and exercise program will go a long way in helping you get rid of the excess fat in your airway, making it easier for you to breathe when you are sleeping. For effective treatment for snoring, you should consider working with a professional doctor or nutritionist.
3. Avoid or Limit Alcohol Before Going to Bed
Snoring is likely to occur when both the tongue and throat are relaxed. Since alcohol is known to relax most people, there is a good chance that you will snore if you take alcohol before going to bed. In case you snore frequently or loudly, taking alcohol will make the problem worse.
Therefore, it is advisable to limit or avoid alcohol if you want to alleviate the problem and enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep. While moderate drinking will not be harmful to most people, treatment for people who snore requires that they avoid alcohol three to four hours prior to going to sleep. This will leave enough time for alcohol to clear out of your system.
4. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene
Since the muscles in your body tend to relax when you lay down, you will snore when you sleep and not when you are awake. Therefore, you should consider practicing good sleep hygiene as a way of reducing snoring. Lifestyle changes such as making sure that you get the recommended eight hours of sleep will not only keep you healthy but also make it less likely for you to snore.
Although deep sleep will help you to feel well-rested after a day of hard work, failure to get enough sleep will result in your body demanding more deep sleep. Whether you snore loudly or not, practicing good sleep hygiene will be important for you.
5. Open Nasal Passages
There are different places from where snoring can originate. Choosing the right treatment for the occurrence will depend on whether it is mouth snoring, nose snoring or throat snoring. In case you realize that snoring starts in your nose, one of the first steps you should take is to open nasal passages.
When you keep, these passages open, you will make it easy for air to pass when you breathe in and out. This will reduce the vibrations that cause the sounds of snoring. Placing an adhesive nasal dilator strip over the outer surface of your nose will help you to open nasal passages, effectively offering the kind of relief you need to sleep better. Another way to keep the passages open and avoid blockages is to take a hot shower before going to bed.
6. Change your Sleeping Pillows
Allergens and dust mites that accumulate in your pillow may result in allergic reactions that lead to snoring. The best way to deal with such an issue is to change sleeping pillows regularly. This is the first step you should take in case you usually feel fine during the day but are obstructed at night when sleeping.
If you notice that your snoring problem is severe, you may want to rethink allowing your pets to sleep on your bed. It is natural to think about investing in pillows that are designed and made to prevent snoring. However, some of these products can cause neck pain. Rather than going for such pillows, you should simply change sleeping pillows as a way of getting relief from this problem.
7. Stay Well Hydrated
Even as you seek professional medical treatment for snoring, you should remember to stay hydrated always. Drinking plenty of fluids will help you to avoid dehydration, a factor that will cause the mucus in your throat to thicken and lead to snoring.
While drinking too much water will force you to wake up to go to the bathroom severally during the night, you should also avoid drinking too little. If you want to get the relief that will allow you to get enough sleep, you should have a total of 11 cups of water in a day if you are a woman. If you are a man, 16 cups of water daily will help you to stay hydrated and reduce snoring.