Melatonin is a hormone that’s produced naturally by humans, animals, and plants. It’s a neurotransmitter-like compound that’s secreted by the pineal gland, which is located in the brain. This hormone is responsible for regulating our body’s internal clock and the sleep-wake cycle. The body’s production of melatonin is most active in darkness, and least active during daylight. Its release is suppressed by light and stimulated by the dark. Melatonin levels are highest when we’re very young and decreases as we age.
Many elderly people experience problems with sleep disorders, and researchers believe this may be due to a decrease in levels of the hormone. Melatonin levels can be disrupted by too much light during nighttime hours or too little during the day. Melatonin can also be produced synthetically in a laboratory. The compound is available in pill form and other forms that can be absorbed directly into the body. It can be used as a dietary supplement, but its best known use is as a sleep aid. Research and studies have shown its usefulness in regulating the female reproductive cycle and treating a wide range of illnesses and health conditions.
1. Natural Sleep Aid
Many people experience insomnia or other sleep disturbances at some point in life. This can be caused by many factors. Your melatonin level could be one of them. Melatonin levels are at their highest during late evening hours and throughout the night. They taper off in the morning hours. This is why we feel sleepy at night and wake early in the morning. There are exceptions, but this is typically how the internal clock works for healthy individuals.
The compound is one of the best natural remedies for those having trouble with sleep. It’s especially effective for people suffering from insomnia. People that work at night can also benefit from its use, because their natural rhythm is usually disrupted by too much light. The supplement has very few side effects and is safe to use long-term. Its use as a sleep aid will increase the total amount of sleep, as well as the soundness of your sleep. Participants of studies have reported feeling more rested and alert in the morning as a result of regular doses of the sleep aid.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]2. Potential Treatment For Prostate Cancer And Breast Cancer
Research and studies have shown melatonin’s effectiveness as a treatment for prostate and breast cancers. It was also discovered that low levels of the hormone may be linked to an increased risk of these types of cancer. Research conducted on animals and human cells revealed the compound’s ability to inhibit the development of breast cancer cells and slow their growth. Cancer patients in the studies were found to have lower levels of the hormone than healthy individuals. The use of the supplement for breast cancer therapy was researched and found as potentially viable, according to a study published in 2014. A study was also done on women using chemotherapy versus melatonin, for treatment of their breast cancer. Patients showed no improvement while undergoing chemotherapy, but the addition of supplements resulted in a decrease in tumor size for almost 30% of the patients.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]3. Decreases Negative Menopause Symptoms
Decreased levels of melatonin can cause problems for women going through menopause. It’s believed that production of the hormone decreases with age. Research has pointed to many ill effects and risks for menopausal women due to this decrease. This may cause even more serious issues in postmenopausal women, including fibromyalgia and endometrial cancer.
The addition of supplements to the diet is a natural method for relieving many symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. The supplements can improve mood and lessen depressive episodes. Regular use may even reverse the aging process to some degree. This is due to the effect of compound on the pituitary and thyroid functions of perimenopausal and menopausal women. Studies revealed these functions were rehabilitated to levels of functioning typical of younger women.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]4. Relieves Bladder Dysfunction
Bladder function can be affected negatively by a melatonin imbalance. Bladder problems often present as we get older, and this may be linked to diminishing levels of the hormone. The hormone’s effect on the nervous system also plays a role in a decrease in the volume of urine and increase in the bladders capacity. Supplements can help to treat bladder issues by reducing levels of oxidative stress, according to research. This is because oxidative stress levels are usually held at a certain level by melatonin receptors in the prostate and bladder. When insufficient levels of the hormone cause an imbalance, rising oxidative stress levels will result in bladder problems. Supplements are also helpful for common bladder issues like an overactive bladder. It’s helpful for controlling the tightening and loosening motions of the bladder.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]5. Heart Disease Helper
Melatonin may be useful for maintaining a healthy heart in a few different ways. Some cases of chronic insomnia have been associated with an increased risk of hypertension. Patients that included supplements to their treatment had improved sleep quality and sleep time. This in turn reduced blood pressure. Use of the compound for antihypertensive therapy produced similar results, with substantial improvement in quality of sleep and blood pressure in the morning hours. In addition to lowering high blood pressure, supplements can also reduce cholesterol levels. This is another major risk factor for heart disease. This is due to the hormone’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, both of which benefit the heart.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]6. Chronic Pain Relief
Many studies have looked at the effect of melatonin on pain relief for a variety of conditions. Researchers have discovered that the hormone plays an active role in the receptors of molecules responsible for pain relief. When melatonin levels are high, pain sensations are reduced. Supplements are effective for treating pain from migraine headaches, chronic headaches, and fibromyalgia. The supplement can treat irritable bowel syndrome by decreasing abdominal pains and making defecation easier. Patients with chronic back pain can use the supplement in addition to their standard treatment to increase its efficacy. Studies have shown less anxiety and depression, better sleep, and an overall increase of quality of life with the addition of the supplement.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]7. Immune System Strengthener
One of the greatest benefits of melatonin is its ability to bolster the immune system.
It’s a powerful antioxidant that can protect the body from illness by stimulating the immune system. It can combat and relieve inflammation by removing free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that can cause cell damage. It can also lead to disease and accelerate degenerative processes, such as aging. Inflammation is a part of the body’s immune response but chronic inflammation can also lead to disease and medical conditions like cancer. Research has shown the positive effects of the compound on the immune system. Studies have also shown the compound’s ability to fight infectious diseases and counteract acquired immunodeficiencies. These include viral diseases such as HIV and bacterial infections.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]8. Eases Jetlag
Jet-lag is an annoyance for many frequent flyers, and melatonin is a very effective treatment for resetting your internal clock. Long flights across a lot of time zones can throw your sleep cycle completely out of whack. Jet-lag occurs because of the slow adjustment of our internal clock to the location traveled to. It’s actually a temporary sleep disorder that causes the sleep and wake cycle to become out of sync with the new location. Melatonin supplements can be used to reset your cycle. Numerous trials and studies have found the supplement is able to prevent or reduce jet-lag. The supplement is most effective when taken between 10 pm and 12 am at your new location. This will decrease jet-lag for travel across five or more time zones. The timing is important; doses taken too early can retard adjustment to the new time zone.
[nextpage title=“Next” ]9. Helps With Children With Autism
Melatonin can be used to treat sleep problems experienced by children with autism.
Studies showed improvement with sleep after a week of nightly medication. No side effects were reported, and parents reported improved behavior. The study was published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders’ online edition. This is significant because more than 50% of children struggling with autism have sleeping disorders that can compound the symptoms of autism. Symptoms include repetitive behaviors and social difficulties. Results from a clinical trial of children with autism published in November of 2017 showed the positive effects of the compound for sleep disorders. The pill works by slowly releasing melatonin into the bloodstream. More than half of the children tested fell asleep faster and slept longer.