Jaundice is a condition that appears as a side effect with certain medical issues such as gallstones, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, or hepatitis. It is a serious sign that something has gone wrong in the body, and it should not be ignored. It will not go away until the underlying health condition has been properly treated. Jaundice is caused by a buildup of bilirubin in the blood system. Bilirubin is a byproduct from your body breaking down old hemoglobin from the red blood cells. Under normal circumstances, the bilirubin would be filtered through the liver, bound to bile, and then transferred to the small intestine where it would eventually be expelled from the body with other waste. When the bilirubin can’t be properly filtered to transferred to the small intestine, it remains in the blood stream.
If jaundice persists then it can cause a condition called kernicterus. Kernicterus is a type of brain damage caused by high levels of bilirubin. This is caused by the amount of bilirubin in the system getting to such a high level that it gets moves out of the bloodstream and into the brain. If you experience the signs and symptoms provided below, it is important that you set up and appointment with your doctor.
1. Yellow Skin
Yellow skin is one of the hallmark signs of jaundice. When bilirubin builds up in the blood, it gets deposited into the fat and skin calls as the blood moves through the body. Bilirubin is yellow, so as it builds up more and more, the skin takes on a yellow color. For darker skin tones, this may be more noticeable on the palms of the hands and on the bottom of the feet. The yellow tint will become more and more noticeable as the bilirubin builds up in your system.
You may notice that your skin becomes itchy as the bilirubin builds up in your skin. This is because the bilirubin binds to bile when attempting to filter through the liver. The itchiness may grow in intensity as your skin becomes more yellow. Not everyone with jaundice will experience itchiness as the condition progresses.
Once the underlying health issues are managed, jaundice will begin to clear up on its own. It will take the body about a week or two to successfully filter out and expel the excess bilirubin. You can set up an appointment with your doctor to discuss possible diagnoses and a viable treatment plan for the underlying health issue.
2. Yellow Eyes
The excess bilirubin in your system can also affect your eyes. While the bilirubin gets deposited into your skin and fat, it can also get deposited into the whites of your eyes. If this happens, then it will turn the white of your eyes yellow. The whites of your eyes turning yellow is the biggest of the signs and symptoms that you’ve developed jaundice. If the whites of your eyes have turned yellow, then it’s important for you to set up an appointment with your doctor to talk about what underlying health issues could be the cause of the jaundice.
3. Fatigue
Fatigue is when you feel extreme mental or physical exhaustion that can not be fixed with adequate sleep. It can make going about your daily tasks very difficult. You may find that you do not have the energy to carry out your daily chores around the house. If it affects you mentally, then it can make keeping your train of thought bounce around. You’ll find yourself unable to concentrate as well as you used to concentrate. It is not so much caused by jaundice as it happens in tandem with the condition. The fatigue normally is caused by the same underlying health issues as the jaundice.
4. Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is any pain that happens below the neck and up the groin area. Pain experienced with jaundice can vary as it is not caused by the condition but by the underlying health issue that originally caused the jaundice. It will most likely be in the upper right abdomen, just below the ribcage. This is where your liver and gallbladder are located. Sometimes the pain can start in this area but feel as if it is radiating outward to the back. Some people even experience it moving to the right shoulder. Abdominal pain with jaundice can be a sign of a serious medical issue, and you should seek out medical attention.
5. Weight Loss
Weight loss, when occurring with jaundice, is normally caused by issues with the liver. While many people would be delighted to lose a few pounds, unintentionally weight loss can be a sign of serious health issues. If you’re unintentionally losing weight, then your body is most likely not absorbing nutrients from your food. This can cause malnutrition and lead to further issues in the body. It’s considered a medical concern if you lose five percent of your body weight in a six month period. If you’re worried about unexplained weight loss, then you should set up an appointment with your doctor.
6. Vomiting
Vomiting is when your body forcefully expels the contents of your stomach out of the body through the mouth. This is normally preceded by nausea, but the amount of time you experience nausea before vomiting varies. This can be caused be many health issues, but when it happens with jaundice, it normally points to hepatitis or gallstone issues. If you’re experiencing vomiting along with other signs and symptoms on this list then it is important to get in contact with your doctor. The health issues that cause vomiting with jaundice are very serious. Your doctor will be able to offer a diagnosis and a viable treatment plan.
7. Fever
Fever is described as any oral temperature over 98.6 F. This is one of the first defenses your body has against an illness in the body. It’s common to experience a fever with jaundice when the condition is caused by an infection, such as hepatitis. The medical issues that cause a high temperature with jaundice are serious, and you should contact your doctor if you are experiencing a fever along with the other symptoms on this list. If your temperature is over 104 F, then it is considered a high fever, and you should seek out medical attention immediately as it can cause you harm.
8. Pale Stools
Pale stools are also known as white stools or clay-colored stools. It can also appear grey instead of white in some people. Pale stool is not normal under any circumstance. It is a sign that there is a serious issue in the body’s ability to move bile from the liver to the intestines. Most often it is caused by a blockage in your bile ducts, but it can be caused by other things. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience this type of stool. They will be able to guide you towards a diagnosis and offer a viable treatment plan for any underlying health issues.
9. Dark Urine
Dark urine is a sign that your body is trying to get rid of excess bilirubin. Your body will still try to get rid of the excess bilirubin even if it can’t filter it through the liver and expel it with the intestines. Instead, it will filter it through the kidneys, and it gets expelled with the urine through your bladder. This symptom is normally a sign that the jaundice is caused by hepatitis or a blockage in your bile ducts. If you’re worried that you’re experiencing jaundice, then you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.