You have three pairs of saliva-producing glands, also called salivary glands. These glands are located below your ears towards the front. Mumps affected one of the three glands called the parotid gland. Mumps is a viral infection which is common in the United States. Your odds of developing mumps are low because of a routine vaccination you receive. However, the infection can occur.
The mumps virus, which causes the infection, can easily spread from person to another via saliva. You can also contract mumps if you breath in saliva droplets expelled by an infected person. This typically occurs when an infected coughs or sneezes. You can also contract the infection if you share cups and utensils with an individual who has the mumps.
Complications of mumps are rare, but they can happen because of the swelling and inflammation. One complication is pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is pain in your upper abdomen. Orchitis, which affects the testicles, causes swelling. It may lead to a male become sterile. Complications of the mumps can also develop in your brain. Your brain can become inflamed and causing a life-threatening situation.
1. Abdomen pain
Abdomen pain, also called abdominal pain, is discomfort in your stomach. The pain may be acute, which is short-term, may last from a few hours to a few days before resolving. Chronic abdominal pain, which is long-term, may be intermittent. This means it may come and go over a period of time. Chronic pain may persist for weeks or months. It can also last for years without stopping.
2. Muscle pain
Muscle pain is discomfort in a small area of your body or an entire body. The pain ranges from excruciating to mild and dull. Pain can go away after a short time. However, it can linger for months. The cause of muscle pain varies from stress, tension, overuse to minor injuries. The pain may be localized because it may affect a few muscles. Systemic muscles pain, pain that occurs throughout your body, is caused by illness or infection. It may also happen because of side effect medications. The treatment of muscle pain depends on the underlying cause of the pain such as mumps.
3. Neck pain
Neck pain occurs when you experience pain in your neck muscles. The pain neck in your neck is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease or medical condition such as mumps. You may experience pain along with other symptoms like loss of strength in your arms and hands or numbness. You may also experience shooting pain in your arm or shoulder. Many signs of neck pain include a headache and muscle spasms or tightness. The cause of neck pain includes straining your neck muscles, nerve compression, worn joints and certain diseases.
4. Pelvis pain
Pelvis pain, also called pelvic pain is discomfort in the lower part of your pelvic area and your abdomen. Depending on the cause of your pain, it can be sharp, mild or dull. It may be intermittent or constant. The pain in your pelvis may radiate from your pelvic area to your thighs, lower back or butt. You may notice the discomfort when you are having sex or urinating. The pain may happen suddenly or develop slowly. Chronic pelvic pain can last more than six months. Several types of medical conditions and diseases may be the source of pelvic pain. For instance, the pain in your pelvis can develop because reproductive, urinary or digestive system problems.
5. Chills
Chills is a symptom of an illness, disease or medical condition. It occurs when you feel extremely cold regardless of how many clothes you were or blankets you place over your body. You may shiver or have a fever. Your environment may cause your chills. However, a medical condition such as pregnancy or an infection such as the mumps may cause unrelenting coldness in your body. In fact, you may feel the coldness in your bones. There is no treatment for chills. However, you can treat the symptom by treating the underlying cause of the coldness.
6. Fatigue
Fatigue is described as unrelenting exhaustion that will not go away regardless of the amount of sleep you get. The fatigue is more than just being tired. Temporary tiredness will go away after rest and sleep. You lose motivation. You cannot concentrate. You cannot complete daily tasks because you are so exhausted. Fatigue may be treated by making some lifestyle changes. If you suffer unrelenting exhaustion because of an infection like mumps, you have to treat the underlying condition to resolve your fatigue.
7. Malaise
Malaise is the feeling of weakness, discomfort or simply not feeling well. You feel like you are sick or have an illness. Malaise often occurs with unrelenting exhaustion. It may happen suddenly or slowly develop over time. The symptom occurs when you body undergoes some type of physical disruption like a trauma, disease or injury. It can also be a side effect of medication you take. Treatment for malaise involves getting plenty of rest or sleep. Limit your stress. Eat a balanced diet. Another treatment is to exercise regularly.
8. Dry mouth
Xerostomia, or dry mouth, is a medical condition where your salivary glands in your mouth under produces saliva. Your mouth becomes dry because of the underproduction of saliva. Xerostomia may be a side effect of medications. It may occur because as you grow older. Decreased saliva production has many symptoms. These signs include bad breath, difficulty chewing or speaking and sore throat. Complications of dry mouth are mouth sores, skin splitting at the corners of your mouth and increase plaque on your teeth. Treatment of xerostomia may include changing medications that causes dry mouth. It may be to use products to moisturize your mouth. If the condition is because of a disease or medical condition, it is best to treat the disease or condition.
9. Headache
A headache can occur in any area of your head. It may happen on one side or on both sides of your head. It may also develop in a localized area of your head. Depending on the type of pain, it may radiate from one side of your head to another. The pain your experience may be a throbbing pain, dull ache, or sharp pain. A headache may develop suddenly or may slowly occur over time. Your head pain may last for hours or days. The most common type of head pain includes a migraine, cluster and tension headache.
10. Hearing loss
When your hearing decreases it is called hearing loss. Some hearing loss cannot be reversed. Symptoms of losing your hearing is muffled speech, trouble hearing, frequently asking others to speak louder. Some causes of losing your hearing includes earwax buildup, infection or damage to your inner ear. You can also lose your hearing because of a ruptured eardrum. Treatment may be available if you lose your hearing such as hearing aids and removing wax blockage. Other treatments depend on the cause of the loss of hearing.