The clogging or the infecting of a person’s oil or sebaceous glands unfortunately leads to a pimple. A pimple is a small papule or pustule that has become swollen and filled with pus. These pimples are also known as zits or spots and are the main part of acne. It is common for them to occur during puberty, but people can also develop them at any age. During puberty, the sebaceous glands positioned at the hair follicles’ base are overactive. Therefore, during the teenage years and when a woman is menstruating are two times when they in all likelihood will develop. Since many of a person’s sebaceous glands are on the face, chest, shoulders and back, that’s where acne will most likely occur.
Over 80 percent of teenagers are affected by acne vulgaris which is pimples’ leading cause. However, only 12 percent of women and 3 percent of men are affected by them after they have reached the age of 25. There are a number of medicines and lotions on the market today for the treatment of acne. However, they can take too much time. In less time, the following natural methods can be used to effectively get rid of acne.
1. Ice
Large or open pores on a person’s skin can a contributing cause of acne problems and blackheads. This is especially true for anyone with oily skin. Pores can become clogged by an excess of sebum, bacteria and dirt resulting in pimples which swollen, red and inflamed. You can reduce the swelling, redness and inflammation by using ice. One reason the ice helps is that improves your blood circulation to the area and also tightens the pores of the skin. It also removes oil and dirt that has accumulated on the skin.
Crushed ice or ice cubes can be used based on which is most convenient. Using a clean washcloth, wrap a few ice cubes. Hold the wrapped ice cubes against your skin for 15 to 30 seconds. This should be done a few times daily. You can do this less often once you see improvement. You can enhance this remedy’s benefits by adding apple juice, cucumber juice, rose water or green tea to the water used to make ice cubes. Before applying an ice pack, you should wash your face using a mild cleanser, rinse thoroughly with warm water and use a clean towel to pat dry.
Avoid scrubbing vigorously since that would spread the pimples’ bacteria to other pores. Place ice cubes in either a clean towel or plastic bag. You should then place the ice on your pimples for five minutes, remove the ice pack for five minutes and replace it for five minutes. Continue the ice on and ice off routine until the ice cubes have melted. Repeat this action three times daily.
2. Aspirin
Even though aspirin isn’t a natural remedy used to treat acne, it has anti-inflammatory properties. These properties reduce both the redness and swelling that always surrounds a pimple. This is because the aspirin contains salicylic acid which is often found in the over-the-counter treatments for acne. The easiest way to use aspirin to get rid of those ugly pimples and acne is as a scrub. This scrub will not only get rid of the pimples and acne, it will also help in eliminating dead skin cells from your face. You can do this by taking 2 or 3 aspirin tablets and dissolve them in a bottle of water. After shaking the bottle with the mixture, you can apply it directly to your skin. A skin mask is very easy to make an aspirin mask.
Dissolve approximately 5 aspirin tablets in a few drops of water. If you have a bad acne attack, you can also choose to dissolve the aspirin in unfiltered apple cider vinegar instead of water. For an even better effect, you might try adding some honey to the mixture. If your skin is dry, add a few drops of olive oil. When you have completed making the aspirin mask, apply it to your skin while rubbing it gently. Be careful to not put the mask around your eyes or to touch your eyes. Allow the mask to remain for approximately 15 minutes. Using a wet cloth, gently wipe the mask off. If your skin is dry after the facial mask treatment, you can apply a moisturizer. You should repeat the aspirin mask application at least once a week. This treatment will not only reduce your pimples and acne, it will totally get rid of them.
You can prepare an overnight application using aspirin. You begin by dissolving 2 or 3 aspirin tablets in one teaspoon of water. Before you apply this mixture, wash your face thoroughly with a mild cleanser. Apply the mixture with a dip directly to your pimples since using your hands will make your pimples worse. This is because your hands may transfer addition bacteria to your skin’s affected area. It will take about 15 minutes for the aspirin mixture to dry. Using a clean and wet cloth, remove the aspirin mixture from your face. You can remove the aspirin mixture from your face with lukewarm water instead of a cloth. Avoid leaving the aspirin mixture on your face for too long. You don’t want it to get absorbed since it may get into your bloodstream. Aspirin in your bloodstream can thin your blood.
3. Baking Soda
You may have tried other treatments to get rid of your pimples unsuccessfully. Perhaps, baking soda will do the trick in one of two different ways. It can act as a viz. acid or a base. What baking soda will do is act to reduce excess oil from your skin. However, you should try it out on your hand to check for a reaction before applying it to your face. Baking Soda and water mixture is an easy way to get rid of pimples is to mix baking soda with hot water. First, boil a cup of water. You can then add two tablespoons of baking soda to the cup of water and mix thoroughly. Soak a cotton ball in the baking soda and water mixture. Gently apply the soaked cotton ball to the pimpled area. The pimples you have applied the soaked cotton ball mixture will dry up for an immediate and quick result.
4. Honey
One of the ingredients in a lot of anti-acne products is honey since it possesses many properties to fight acne. Therefore, honey is a good choice to fight your acne since it is both a safe and natural remedy. Honey can actually act as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. As an anti-inflammatory agent it will reduce both the swelling and redness of acne. Honey’s osmotic effect is the result of its ability to absorb water in a wound while releasing hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide released can then do its job of being a great antiseptic and killing bacteria while clearing your acne. Apply a small amount of raw honey to your affected area with a cotton ball. Leave the honey on the affected area for about 30 minutes.
Rinse with warm water first and then rinse with cold water. This process should be repeated regularly. Apply a small amount of raw honey to your affected area with a cotton ball. Leave the honey on the affected area for about 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water first and then rinse with cold water. This process should be repeated regularly. Another approach could be to apply honey to your acne lesions. The acne lesions with the honey application should then be covered with a bandage. Leave the application on overnight. In the morning, rinse the area removing the honey application. This process should be repeated daily.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for getting rid of both your acne and its scars. Equal quantities of water and apple cider vinegar should be mixed in a bowl or container. Using a cotton ball, apply the mixture to your affected skin. Before washing the mixture off with water, let it remain for a few minutes on the affected area. After you have washed the mixture off, pat dry the skin. Repeat this procedure once a day. You may also use rosewater instead of normal water if you wish. If your skin isn’t sensitive, you can apply the apple cider vinegar without diluting it.
6. Tea Tree Oil
Even a big acne problem can be helped with a tea tree oil simple home remedy. This is because the tea tree oil will not only reduce the acne but also heal your skin as well. An outburst of acne can be caused by only propionic bacterium. The ingredient in the tea tree oil that acts as an antibacterial agent and also kills the propionic bacterium is terpenes. Besides that, terpenes in the tea tree oil will also control any further acne growth. As the oil penetrates into the layers of your skin, it will act as a disinfectant. Both white heads and blackheads will be dried by the oil. The skin’s natural oil will remain and the bacteria causing the acne will not spread as a result of using tea tree oil on the affected area.
7. Lemon Juice
The ascorbic acid in lemon juice is a natural astringent which can dry out your acne and also act as an antibacterial compound by fighting the acne producing bacterial. If your skin is sensitive, you can still benefit from the juice’s potency without forgoing it totally. You can simply mix 1 teaspoon of the juice with 1 teaspoon of water. Use this diluted solution. You can add a cooling touch to your sensitive skin by applying the juice with a Q-tip that you have soaked with the diluted juice. For added cooling, place the Q-tip in a freezer for 10 to 20 minutes allowing it to freeze.
This will allow the Q-tip to feel cool to the touch. Some people prefer to treat their affected skin with a scrub. By combining lemon juice, sugar and sea salt you can easily make a scrub to help fight your acne and make your skin glow as well. Mix a quantity of lemon juice with either sea salt or sugar. This will make a paste. You should apply this paste to your face and neck. While applying the paste, exfoliate your skin with gentle circles. After waiting 8 to 10 minutes, use warm water to wash the paste off. Finish by splashing cold water onto your skin. The cold-water splash will close your pores.